


Analyze your Flex Point usage & start spending smarter.

This is a tool to help you keep track of how quickly you're spending your Flex Points. Choose an option to see how it works, or, if you're a Notre Dame student, see your own results.


Enter your current {{ }} balance & press Enter


Paste your usage data (see below{{ platformGuess === 'mobile' ? '—not recommended on mobile' : '' }})

Unable to parse the data you pasted. Make sure there are lines of the form:

Flex Points	September 9, 2019, 6:48PM	C-Store 1	- $5.08

Just looking

Follow these quick instructions to see your own full personalized results.

  1. {{ tabOption === 'mobile' ? 'Tap' : 'Click' }} the link to log in to Irish1Card GET with your Notre Dame credentials.
  2. Under the "My Recent Transactions" header, {{ tabOption === 'mobile' ? 'tap' : 'click' }} "View All Transaction History."
  3. Making sure "ALL in the past 6 Months" is selected in the Month/Year dropdown, copy the entire table (or the entire page—anything extra will be ignored). Note that copying large blocks of text on a mobile device can be difficult. A desktop or laptop computer is recommended for optimal exprience.
  4. Paste it into the text box labelled "In depth" above. (Don't worry, all your data stays in your browser.)

This app is not affiliated with the University of Notre Dame or CBORD.


{{ }}

Before now

After now


{{ semester.start | date }}


{{ now | date }}

The data you pasted doesn't go back to the beginning of the semester. Enter your current balance here and press Enter to get accurate results (a guess is fine).


{{ semester.end | date }}

{{ subjectPrefix }} {{ subjectSuffix }}